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Welcome to the Nordic Cardiac Imaging (NCI) meeting April 8th-9th 2025!

Nordic Cardiac Imaging (NCI) is organising meetings with lectures from Nordic experts, international opinion leaders and specialists in the different cardiac imaging modalities.
NCI 2025 is a pre-meeting to the Swedish Cardiovascular Spring Meeting.

The purpose is to give state of the art lectures on the latest advances, evidence based application of imaging in daily clinical practice, and interactive panel discussions about specific clinical cases. Scientific posters will also be presented. 

Yet again, each of the Nordic countries will select the Best thesis from the National Societies to be presented at the meeting.

The 6th Nordic Cardiac Imaging meeting is planned for 2025 in Malmö Sweden, April 8th-9th at the venue Clarion hotel Malmö Live.

We are looking forward to welcoming you in Malmö in 2025.

On behalf of the organising committee NCI2025
Ellen Ostenfeld (Chair)

Do you want to be one of the sponsors or exhibitors of NCI2025?

Contact Lotta Ahlbertz: